About Us
Instant Experiences is a platform which offers everyday businesses an opportunity to offer once-in-a-lifetime deals to the everyday consumer.
Instant experiences offers a variety of different instant experiences across a multitude of industries, we strive to get you the best experiences at the click of a mouse for a fraction of the original price.
As the world bands together to fight the Covid-19 pandemic, many local businesses within the hospitality and other sectors have been forced to close their doors and encourage social distancing - the exact opposite to what all hospitality professionals love doing!
As the tourism and hospitality sectors are very reliant on cash flows to survive the impact of the lock down has hit them even harder, this was the main reason for the creation of Instant Experiences, helping service related business sell experiences now that can be used later!
Go on, buy a voucher today and support the local businesses!
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The supporters of this initiative also need to be mentioned as without their contributions in time and money this great platform would not be possible.
Thank you so much for the support and making this possible.